【Chapter Two】

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     I am royally screwed.

     So apparently, I had blacked out and was now awake in the bland whiteness of a medical ward, with a tired-looking woman slouched on the chair next to me. I made a small noise as I tried to make myself comfortable, though it was painful for me to even take a deep breath.

     "(Y/N)!" The woman heard me, and with one look, she straightened, her worried yet thankful aura almost being suffocating. "Are you alright?!" And as quick as she was to be motherly toward me, her expression changed to one of near rage. "WHAT WERE YOU DOING RACING!"

     I flinched at her tone, my sound-sensitive hearing was still at a high, and her livid shrieking was causing my head to pound.

     "Momma, please don't yell. I'm fine-"

     "Don't tell me that! I thought you were a good kid, (Y/N)! Seriously, you've wrecked the car that I had bought you! Over $60,000, not even counting the new engine, paint, and body-kit that you BEGGED me to help you get...!" The poor woman was fuming over this all, and I couldn't help but feel bad. I almost worshiped my car, and I took great care of it whenever I could. It was a rare moment when I'm not fussing over it. "And on top of that, you've almost DIED!"

     I sigh. Classic Mom... "But I'm alive right now, aren't I?" I managed a small smile to comfort her.

     Just then, and to my relief, a nurse came in with a smile. "So, (Y/N) (L/N) is awake at last." She chuckled softly, as my head still hurt. I already like her. She seems chill. "I'm Nurse Darby. You must be the Mother, Mrs. (L/N)."

     My mother nodded and took her hand in a handshake, which gave my mother time to look the nurse over. It was only a second before she noticed the nurse's badge. "You're not from South Dakota, aren't you?"

     The nurse looked down at her name tag, "Oh, I was sent from Nevada to help out due to low staff. Your daughter will be in good hands, Mrs. (L/N). I promise." She gives an almost knowing smile to me, but only if I knew what she knew. She kept her gaze upon me for a bit before she looked back at my mother. "Before I forget, the lead doctor said that it may be safer if (Y/N) was moved to the hospice in Jasper."

     The look on my mother's face turned to one of confusion. "Jasper Minnesota?"

     "No, Nevada."

     "And why would she be moved four states over to a hospital at a place I've never even heard of before?"

     "It is strictly for your daughter's safety, Mrs. (L/N)."

     This made both me and my momma confused. Nurse Darby decided that it would be best to explain.

     "We have the right to think that (Y/N) may be in danger. Her vehicle has significant damage to it's rear, and we fear that she may be a target for some sort of rival or gang. We are unsure of all the details."

     I furrow my brows, confused. "Last I checked, I had no enemies. My car isn't even that fast. Who would want to do that to me?" I tried to say something, but my condition made it hard to speak very loudly.

     Nurse Darby shrugged, "I wish I knew, hun. But if your mother would like to come with, she is more than free to."

     Momma nodded but looked conflicted. "I have my job to do, and you are already on your own, (Y/N). I can't be there for everything, you know. But I will definitely see you off."

     Being 18 and in college has its perks for solitude and independence, but this will be new. I'll have to figure out online schooling, and ways to make up the paperwork for the classes I already have. Not to mention a new place entirely. As much as I love adventure, new places tend to scare me, especially in my condition.

     "(Y/N), are you alright?" The nurse tapped me on my shoulder, which knocked me out of my trance.

     "Oh, uh, yeah. Jus'... thinkin' 'bout what alls I gotta do with schoolin' and all..."

     Momma chuckled, "Nervous?"

     "N-Not at all, Momma! Why d'ya say that?"

     "Your accent got heavier."

     I really wanted to slap myself for that. It was a habit. Whenever I was feeling some form of major emotion, my Midwestern accent would get heavier. I hated how it happened. It makes me easy to read. "Fine... Ya win. Yeah, I'm nervous. But I have the right, ya know?" I huff, folding my arms and looking away for a bit.

     "If it makes you both feel better, I'll allow (Y/N) to stay with my son and I at my own home to keep a personal eye on her." I look up to the near stranger, but I felt like I was leaning into the idea, as I felt like it would be safer that way. Should I trust her though? A nurse from out of state, and is offering to take me into her own home with her son? This sounds a bit suspicious, but the look in the nurse's eyes tells me that she truly worries for my well-being...

     With a deep, though shaky breath, I nod, "I'm into it," silently telling my momma, and myself in a way, that I thought it was a good idea. "As long as I can be sure ta pack up my stuff when I can."

     "That may be a while," the nurse put a finger up. "According to your x-rays, you have shattered a few ribs and your left leg is broken, your right wrist is sprained, and we found minor hemorrhaging in your brain and a concussion. We have fixed all that we can, but we want to keep you in bed until you are at least healed enough to get up. It's actually a miracle that you weren't in worse condition. If anything, you're going to have your mother help you pack."

     My eyes widen and I let out a loud and exasperated sigh, tilting my gaze to the ceiling, "Really?!"

     The other two women in the room laughed at my 'enthusiasm', and I couldn't help but to soon join in the mirth.


Fun Fact! Nurses and Doctors get moved around more often than you think! Usually to other close-by hospitals and sometimes across state lines. It happens only rarely if a certain doctor is needed as far away as our awesome nurse here, but if a hospital is low in staffing, things may have to happen like this! This occasion of Darby, though, was mostly because of her connection to Fowler and our character's accident caused by you-know-who.

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